Friday, January 14, 2011

Shot Down The Castle.

I think it's moments like these - at 3:00 AM - that you truly sit back and examine what's on your mind.
I've recently come to the conclusion that there isn't someone who's really prince charming; NO ONE is going to come and sweep you off of your feet. If you need someone to rely on, it will be yourself. And most importantly, fairytales do not exist.

A little harsh, you say? Maybe. I'm not just saying that because of "bad experiences." But really, think about it. How many times have you "been in love" but as soon as that person walks out of your life, you hate them? That's not love. It's just not.

As for all of those free-spirits out there...right on. But don't you want someone to be there with you eventually? I mean I understand the appeal of not having any real relationships and not caring... But aren't there times in your life when all you want is to be with that one person who understands you? Not overwhelming, smothering people, but someone who lives your same lifestyle. Ya dig? Just a thought.

Just been thinking a lot lately.


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