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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Shot Down The Castle.
I think it's moments like these - at 3:00 AM - that you truly sit back and examine what's on your mind.
I've recently come to the conclusion that there isn't someone who's really prince charming; NO ONE is going to come and sweep you off of your feet. If you need someone to rely on, it will be yourself. And most importantly, fairytales do not exist.
A little harsh, you say? Maybe. I'm not just saying that because of "bad experiences." But really, think about it. How many times have you "been in love" but as soon as that person walks out of your life, you hate them? That's not love. It's just not.
As for all of those free-spirits out there...right on. But don't you want someone to be there with you eventually? I mean I understand the appeal of not having any real relationships and not caring... But aren't there times in your life when all you want is to be with that one person who understands you? Not overwhelming, smothering people, but someone who lives your same lifestyle. Ya dig? Just a thought.
Just been thinking a lot lately.
I've recently come to the conclusion that there isn't someone who's really prince charming; NO ONE is going to come and sweep you off of your feet. If you need someone to rely on, it will be yourself. And most importantly, fairytales do not exist.
A little harsh, you say? Maybe. I'm not just saying that because of "bad experiences." But really, think about it. How many times have you "been in love" but as soon as that person walks out of your life, you hate them? That's not love. It's just not.
As for all of those free-spirits out there...right on. But don't you want someone to be there with you eventually? I mean I understand the appeal of not having any real relationships and not caring... But aren't there times in your life when all you want is to be with that one person who understands you? Not overwhelming, smothering people, but someone who lives your same lifestyle. Ya dig? Just a thought.
Just been thinking a lot lately.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Goodbye 2010; Hello 2011.
Where to begin. I'd kindof like to re-cap on this past year... I know it's somewhat the "cool" thing to do, but I hope that I'll be much more entertaining than everyone else.
New Year's Eve 2010 was one to remember. Rebekah Swygert and I were the best of friends - and even had our own band. We opened up for the New Year's Breakdown Bash, and this is where I met so many people who changed the way I viewed life.

I loved (and still do) going to concerts, and of course hanging out with fellow musicians! This is when I met Ryan from Seven Story Fall... yum yum yum. One boy I will NEVER forget. Haven't spoken to him in awhile...

This is also when Andrew Bennett was in my life. What a wonderful human being. I was such a jerk to this guy... Dang.

Things didn't really work out with Andrew... it was all my fault, too. But, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. School went on, and then one day in early February I met the person that would change my life forever.
Patrick Joseph Ruff Jr. came into my life out of nowhere... I loved every minute of it. He was the most romantic, loving, caring, sensitive, and kind person that I have ever known. He was a great boyfriend, but most importantly he was a great friend. I'll never forget all of the memories he and I shared... but people change, and unfortunately they have to be the ones to change themselves back.

At this point in my life, things could not have been better. I had a great boyfriend, a great bestfriend, a great band, and I had scored the lead role in the spring show, Much Ado About Nothing. However, it was in this month that I learned that I wouldn't be graduating with all of my fellow classmates - I would be moving in the summer back to Lugoff and would have to finish my senior year as an LE Demon.
This month went by too quickly. My German exchange student, Miriam, and the other exchange students came over to live with us. She is such a precious girl, and is a sister to me. I'm so glad we were able to spend so much time together, and I'm glad I could show her how Americans do it ;)

The rest of this month flew by... Miri and I were always on the go!
What a lucky group of Germans... they got to stay with us an extra week because of that crazy volcano in Iceland that sent volcanic ash everywhere. I call it a blessing. We had to say goodbye to them this month.. and what a terribly sad moment for all of us.

++Journal quote:
"I felt a pang in my stomach this morning as soon as I woke up. Miriam came and crawled into the bed with me, and that's when it finally hit me that she would be leaving a few hours later. So we all got up - Miriam packed the rest of her things, and we went to Waffle House, and then straight to the airport. All that I can really say that happened was picture taking and tears. It was the saddest goodbye that I've ever had to go through. I miss them all so much... :( And of course they're all tagging us in facebook pictures - which pop up on a daily basis. I can't wait to see them again." -Friday, April 23

This month was interesting. PJ came home from having his brain surgery, and was a completely different person. This is when everything started to go downhill.
++Journal quote:
"Friday after the show, we had a cast party at D's. A normal tradition. PJ went with me, but didn't act like himself at all. I think everyone else could tell how annoyed I was getting from his attitude, because Aaron sent me a text saying, 'You look miserable.' I guess I was." -Sunday, May 2
I started packing up all of my belongings this month, because Mom had bought our old house in Lugoff. PJ and I "officially" broke up, but I still loved him. School came and went, and I was a Junior Marshall in the graduation ceremony. This was also the month that Katherine (my now BESTTTT FRIEND) and I started becoming friends! :)
I quit my job at Chick-fil-A this month. It was a pretty decent job, but I hate the fast-food industry, and I will NEVER work in a fast-food place ever again. On the 11th of June, I boarded the big Lufthansa aircraft and went to Germany for 3 weeks to stay with Miriam! It was an adventure I'll never forget (or ever stop talking about) :P

I learned so much while I was over there... NEVER TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY. Stuff happens, but you just have to move forward. Oh and take 5 minute showers. SAVE THE EARTH! :)
Moved to Lugoff the day that I returned to the US. It was so hard.
++Journal quote:
"I feel like my life still belongs in Columbia."
I spent the majority of this month going to shows with my best friend Kat.

Transferring to a different school my senior year was ROUGH. It took me awhile to make friends (weird..) but I think I've finally adjusted. I made a best friend here; his name is Matt Wiesen. And he means a lot to me.

This month was a blur. All I remember doing was waking up, going to school, coming home, nap, work, sleep, and doing it all over again. PJ and I talked this month, but we just can't get along... I started up this weird "fling" again with Brandon Adams... WHAT A WASTE OF TIME. Some people never change..

Bridge North... man what a blast. Sometimes, envy and jealousy get in the way of reality. - it was fun while it lasted, boys.
Also went to Oktoberfest in Newberry :) And I met a German family!

School school school. Work work work. Sleep sleep sleep. Go to a show, see Kat, eat.
Best month of the year. I got accepted to my top choice school, Furman University! I got a new Jeep for my birthday (a month early). And I got to spend time with an amazing person, Sam Fountain.

Thanks, 2010, for being so good to me. Also, the last few days were excellent. Spent New Year's Eve Eve with Kat and Lindsey watching my favorite bands (All Get Out and Junior Astronomers) and then rang in the New Year with too many people at a party in Elgin. HAPPY NEW YEAR ;)
To Stevie in regards to 2011:
NEVER TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY. Remember learning that in Germany? Well, don't forget it. Don't let anyone EVER bring you down. No one would ever be worth your time if they did. Live your life, take chances, and most importantly don't forget who you are.
-From, Self.
Get ready for this, 2011. <3
New Year's Eve 2010 was one to remember. Rebekah Swygert and I were the best of friends - and even had our own band. We opened up for the New Year's Breakdown Bash, and this is where I met so many people who changed the way I viewed life.
I loved (and still do) going to concerts, and of course hanging out with fellow musicians! This is when I met Ryan from Seven Story Fall... yum yum yum. One boy I will NEVER forget. Haven't spoken to him in awhile...

This is also when Andrew Bennett was in my life. What a wonderful human being. I was such a jerk to this guy... Dang.

Things didn't really work out with Andrew... it was all my fault, too. But, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. School went on, and then one day in early February I met the person that would change my life forever.
Patrick Joseph Ruff Jr. came into my life out of nowhere... I loved every minute of it. He was the most romantic, loving, caring, sensitive, and kind person that I have ever known. He was a great boyfriend, but most importantly he was a great friend. I'll never forget all of the memories he and I shared... but people change, and unfortunately they have to be the ones to change themselves back.

At this point in my life, things could not have been better. I had a great boyfriend, a great bestfriend, a great band, and I had scored the lead role in the spring show, Much Ado About Nothing. However, it was in this month that I learned that I wouldn't be graduating with all of my fellow classmates - I would be moving in the summer back to Lugoff and would have to finish my senior year as an LE Demon.
This month went by too quickly. My German exchange student, Miriam, and the other exchange students came over to live with us. She is such a precious girl, and is a sister to me. I'm so glad we were able to spend so much time together, and I'm glad I could show her how Americans do it ;)

The rest of this month flew by... Miri and I were always on the go!
What a lucky group of Germans... they got to stay with us an extra week because of that crazy volcano in Iceland that sent volcanic ash everywhere. I call it a blessing. We had to say goodbye to them this month.. and what a terribly sad moment for all of us.
++Journal quote:

This month was interesting. PJ came home from having his brain surgery, and was a completely different person. This is when everything started to go downhill.
++Journal quote:
I started packing up all of my belongings this month, because Mom had bought our old house in Lugoff. PJ and I "officially" broke up, but I still loved him. School came and went, and I was a Junior Marshall in the graduation ceremony. This was also the month that Katherine (my now BESTTTT FRIEND) and I started becoming friends! :)
I quit my job at Chick-fil-A this month. It was a pretty decent job, but I hate the fast-food industry, and I will NEVER work in a fast-food place ever again. On the 11th of June, I boarded the big Lufthansa aircraft and went to Germany for 3 weeks to stay with Miriam! It was an adventure I'll never forget (or ever stop talking about) :P
I learned so much while I was over there... NEVER TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY. Stuff happens, but you just have to move forward. Oh and take 5 minute showers. SAVE THE EARTH! :)
Moved to Lugoff the day that I returned to the US. It was so hard.
++Journal quote:
I spent the majority of this month going to shows with my best friend Kat.

Transferring to a different school my senior year was ROUGH. It took me awhile to make friends (weird..) but I think I've finally adjusted. I made a best friend here; his name is Matt Wiesen. And he means a lot to me.

This month was a blur. All I remember doing was waking up, going to school, coming home, nap, work, sleep, and doing it all over again. PJ and I talked this month, but we just can't get along... I started up this weird "fling" again with Brandon Adams... WHAT A WASTE OF TIME. Some people never change..

Bridge North... man what a blast. Sometimes, envy and jealousy get in the way of reality. - it was fun while it lasted, boys.
Also went to Oktoberfest in Newberry :) And I met a German family!

School school school. Work work work. Sleep sleep sleep. Go to a show, see Kat, eat.
Best month of the year. I got accepted to my top choice school, Furman University! I got a new Jeep for my birthday (a month early). And I got to spend time with an amazing person, Sam Fountain.

Thanks, 2010, for being so good to me. Also, the last few days were excellent. Spent New Year's Eve Eve with Kat and Lindsey watching my favorite bands (All Get Out and Junior Astronomers) and then rang in the New Year with too many people at a party in Elgin. HAPPY NEW YEAR ;)
To Stevie in regards to 2011:
NEVER TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY. Remember learning that in Germany? Well, don't forget it. Don't let anyone EVER bring you down. No one would ever be worth your time if they did. Live your life, take chances, and most importantly don't forget who you are.
-From, Self.
Get ready for this, 2011. <3
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Paladin at Heart.
It is my pleasure to inform you that the Admission Committee has approved your application for admission to Furman University as a resident student and you are invited to enroll in the fall of 2011. Choosing Furman will enable you to enjoy many academic challenges and an abundance of extracurricular opportunities. You have been carefully selected from one of Furman's most talented applicant pools, and I congratulate you on your acceptance!
To become a member of Furman's student body, please sign and return the Statement of Intent form with a non-refundable enrollment deposit of $500 postmarked by January 15, 2011. By signing this statement and paying this deposit, you make a commitment to enroll at Furman and agree to immediately withdraw your applications to all other colleges. The deposit will be refunded, less any fees owed the university, once you have graduated from Furman.
In the coming weeks you will be contacted by various members of the Furman community encouraging you to choose Furman. You should also hear from the Office of Financial Aid within the next two weeks. Through this correspondence will run a common thread: we recognize your talents, accomplishments, and potential and would like to have you join our community.
At the school year's end, you will be asked to submit your final high school transcript so that we may evaluate your senior work. Please know that your offer of admission is contingent upon satisfactory completion of your senior year. Your course selection and grades should continue at the high level of performance you have demonstrated thus far.
I congratulate you once again on your acceptance to Furman and hope that you will choose to enroll!
Brad Pochard
Director of Admission
Life. Is. Goooooooood.
To become a member of Furman's student body, please sign and return the Statement of Intent form with a non-refundable enrollment deposit of $500 postmarked by January 15, 2011. By signing this statement and paying this deposit, you make a commitment to enroll at Furman and agree to immediately withdraw your applications to all other colleges. The deposit will be refunded, less any fees owed the university, once you have graduated from Furman.
In the coming weeks you will be contacted by various members of the Furman community encouraging you to choose Furman. You should also hear from the Office of Financial Aid within the next two weeks. Through this correspondence will run a common thread: we recognize your talents, accomplishments, and potential and would like to have you join our community.
At the school year's end, you will be asked to submit your final high school transcript so that we may evaluate your senior work. Please know that your offer of admission is contingent upon satisfactory completion of your senior year. Your course selection and grades should continue at the high level of performance you have demonstrated thus far.
I congratulate you once again on your acceptance to Furman and hope that you will choose to enroll!
Brad Pochard
Director of Admission
Life. Is. Goooooooood.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Rose Died The Day You Left.
A giant sigh of relief, a minute to breathe. And all I can say is "wow."
The past few days have been nothing short of amazing.
There's this one quote from the movie "Candy" starring Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish (a favorite of mine; I highly recommend it) that has been running through my head recently.
"You came into my life really fast and I liked it."
So so so so so so so true.
On another note, the song "Blood" by The Middle East (there's a video in a previous post) has been in my head ALL DAY. I love it though.
A giant sigh of relief, a minute to breathe. And all I can say is "wow."
The past few days have been nothing short of amazing.
There's this one quote from the movie "Candy" starring Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish (a favorite of mine; I highly recommend it) that has been running through my head recently.
"You came into my life really fast and I liked it."
So so so so so so so true.
On another note, the song "Blood" by The Middle East (there's a video in a previous post) has been in my head ALL DAY. I love it though.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
But What Do You Really Want?
I want to graduate.
I want to go to Furman.
I want to be on stage, as much as I can.
I want to make music.
I want to live close to the ocean.
I want to go back to Germany.
I want to go to Furman.
I want to be on stage, as much as I can.
I want to make music.
I want to live close to the ocean.
I want to go back to Germany.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Slack, Coffee, Middle Finger.
I'm in one of those "Right Away, Great Captain" moods. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, just listen to this.
First off, a big apology for being so slack and not writing in what feels like forever. I've kindof been caught up in life and blah blah blah. But not a lot has changed. I still hate my job, but hopefully this new manager will make things more tolerable. School is the same. Just trying my hardest to get OUT OF THERE.
On a lighter note, I went and visited Furman University this past Saturday, and I must say that I am in love. And if I am not accepted then I will so greatly devastated. ):
I'm in a band! I love our sound.
and like us on facebook! :)
Nothing else is really new. The same old "get lied to" spiel is continuing. So, while I'm mentioning it, a grand ol' middle finger to you, sir! :-)
First off, a big apology for being so slack and not writing in what feels like forever. I've kindof been caught up in life and blah blah blah. But not a lot has changed. I still hate my job, but hopefully this new manager will make things more tolerable. School is the same. Just trying my hardest to get OUT OF THERE.
On a lighter note, I went and visited Furman University this past Saturday, and I must say that I am in love. And if I am not accepted then I will so greatly devastated. ):
I'm in a band! I love our sound.
and like us on facebook! :)
Nothing else is really new. The same old "get lied to" spiel is continuing. So, while I'm mentioning it, a grand ol' middle finger to you, sir! :-)
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