Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Timing Is Everything.

"Everything affects everything."

I don't know how to begin here. My life motto lately has been "everything happens for a reason." And I find this to be true. But the real question is why? Why do things have to happen the way they do?

I feel as if a lot of things would've been done differently in my life if they would've occurred at different times.

If I wouldn't have moved, I wouldn't have met my best friend. I wouldn't have fallen in love. I wouldn't have been bullied. I wouldn't have been hurt so much by a select few people. I wouldn't have met so many people. I wouldn't have gone to Germany. I wouldn't regret a lot of things.

But it happened. And I can't take that back. So should I be thankful?

I have a few things to say to certain people, but don't feel confident enough to put their names. Sorry.
1. UGH. You are so frustrating and I don't know why I let you control my emotions. But you do. Sometimes I feel so strong and I feel as if I've moved on, but I haven't. I was pretending to be strong. Really, I'm weak. I wish I could let you go, but things are easier said than done. I think you're done with me though. I hate that. I wish things were back like they were before.
2. WE HAVE BAD TIMING. I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. I'm proud of you for joining the Marines and doing something with your life! And I know you're chasing after me, but maybe I want to chase you. Ease up on me a bit. I promise, if you lead I'll follow. And I'm still waiting on all of your promises. I hope things will work out.
3. In the words of Copeland, "just let me run where I want to run, just let me love who I want." Please.
4. Thank you for always being there for me. I don't tell you that enough. I hope we will always remain best friends.

I have a lot of things to say, and a lot on my mind, and a lot that I need to do and I feel OVERWHELMED.

Timing affects everything.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Don't Know Me

My name is Stevie.
I am seventeen years old.
I like starfish, sailboats, and seahorses.
I love the way the sunset looks.
I like going to church.
I could spend every waking moment of my day playing my ukulele.
I love Charleston.
I love Folly Beach.
I am 5'3, and have size 5-6 feet.
I'm graduating this year.
I appreciate the simple things.
I don't have many friends.
My favorite bible verse is Psalm 55:22. (LOOK IT UP!)
I like my green eyes.
I know what it feels like to love.
I know what it feels like to hate.
I've been bullied.
I have a respect for musicians, and people with intelligence.
I have problems respecting authority figures.
-And I can thank Airport High School for that.
I love my family, but I never tell them that.
If I die tomorrow, I'd like to know that I've changed one person's life.
I'm a huge movie critic.
I don't know where I want to go to college.

In fact, I don't even know myself.
